Written by Julie Packett, The Chronicles of Ms. Clarke's Class: Science Night is the first book in a new STEM / STEAM themed series designed for children ages 8-11. In the series, the reader explores the world of science and technology through the eyes of Ms. Clarke's fifth-grade students.

New year, new teacher, new classroom duty! Ms. Clarke says new experiences can be rewarding, but her fifth graders need more convincing.

Julie, a shy girl, feels a downpour of emotions when assigned her role as classroom weather reporter. Although she already knows the five second rule for lightning and thunder, taking daily rainfall observations and reciting the data to her classmates seems terrifying. Does she weather the storm or do stormy days persist?

Robbie, an outspoken newcomer with a tragic background, fears his new assignment won't allow him to shine. As one who likes to be front and center, he uses different strategies to win over his new teacher and classmates. Will his game plan to switch classroom duties result in a win or a fumble?

In front of family, teachers, and classmates, all is revealed at Science Night!

Learn more about The Chronicles of Ms. Clarke's Class: Science Night, and upcoming books here.

Design, build, program, compete! The Chronicles of Ms. Clarke's Class: Battling Bots is here!

Following the success of Science Night, Ms. Clarke wants to keep the STEM momentum going in class 5B with a field trip to a high school robotics competition. As soon as those battling bots are in sight, Emilio, an easy-going dreamer, and Sadie, a driven inventor, immediately want to start a class robotics team. Can they convince Ms. Clarke and the other students to compete in the school's first-ever Fifth Grade Robotics Competition?